Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Maddie Dobrowski


Check out the notion of 'Umberto Eco's Anti-library' at the start of Nassim Taleb's 'The Black Swan'. You'll find this helpful.

The most important thing to do is to accumulate as many unread books as possible.

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I will definitely check it out. Thanks for the recommendation! I do think there is a virtue in accumulating good literature, even if you haven’t read it all yet!

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Sep 15Liked by Maddie Dobrowski

This completely resonates with me.

I am a well read mom member and find myself “white knuckling” a lot of my books just to get them read each month. Not that I don’t enjoy them all the time, but I have struggled making reading them a priority if I don’t enjoy the books.

This summer was a struggle for me to pick my next read because of ALL THE BOOKS I want to read in my time “off” from book club.

Ultimately, making reading a priority is worth it and this was a lovely reminder. Thank you for sharing these reflections!

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I’m so glad it resonated with you! I’ve found myself in the exact same boat with book clubs and buddy reads. They are fun and helpful but can also make reading feel like an obligation at times.

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Sep 15Liked by Maddie Dobrowski

Such a good way to think about it!

Funnily enough though, it was becoming a SAHM that turned me into a multiple books at a time reader! I need to be flexible with what I read (audiobook, physical book, etc.) just because I can't afford to be choosy about the way I do it. So in the car I listen to my audiobooks, in the morning I tend to spiritual reading, throughout the day I carry some kind of novel usually. Very different from how I used to, but you know, whatever works!

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I love that approach!

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